Glossary of Words and Terms


Aggadoh: Talmudic writings dealing with not directly legal Torah topics (such as Torah ideas, ideals, attitudes, ethics and morality; inspirational teachings and stories; G-d's plan in creation history and life of the individual; the afterlife, messianic age, the world to come etc. etc.)

Ahavas Torah: Love of Torah

Ahavas Yisroel: Love of Jews/ of The Jewish people

Avodah, Avodas Hashem: Service of G-d

Ba'alei Batim: Laymen - often refers to the supporters of Yeshivos

Bais Hamikdosh: The temple

Bais Medrash: Study hall

Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood NJ: The institute of advanced Torah study founded by Rabbi Aharon Kotler (see Overview)

Ben Olom Habo, Olom Haba Yid: Someone worthy of eternal reward in the after-life

Bimah: Podium

Bizyonos: Humiliations

Blatt shiur: Lecture geared to the text of Talmud rather than focusing on a Talmudic topic

Ben [Bnei] Torah: Torah student[s] - Torah personality

Bochur: Unmarried young man, usually Yeshiva student

Borchu: Praise of Hashem found in prayer liturgy

Chaburah: Group - usually a Torah study group

Chachmei Hadoros: Torah scholars throughout the generations

Chas V'sholom: G-d forbid

Chasidisher Yid: Chasidic Jew

Chaver Hakollel: Member of a Kollel (see Kollel)

Chazal: Sages of the Talmud

Chesed: Kind deed

Chidushei Torah: Torah insights

Chofetz Chaim the: refers to R' Yisroel Meyer HaCohen, Pre WWII sage who authored a classic halocha work by the name Chofetz Chaim

Chumosh: One or all of the five books of Moses

Da'as Elokim: Clear knowledge and awareness of G-d [and the Torah outlook]

Daven: Pray[er]

Einekel, Einiklach: Grandchild[ren]

Erev Pesach: Day before Passover

Erlach: Sincerely religious and trustworthy

Emunah: Belief (in G-d and Torah)

Farher: Exam

Gemorah: Portion or Tractate of Talmud

Godol: Great Torah scholar and personality

Godol HaDor: The leading Torah personality of his time

Halocha: Jewish law

Hanhogah: A practice

Harbotzas Torah: Dissemination of Torah knowledge

Hashkofa: [Torah] outlook

Hatzola: To save someone

Hashem [Yisborach]: G-d [may his name be blessed]

Hesped: Eulogy

Histapkus: Being satisfied with whatever one has

Igros: Letters

[Torah is the] Ikkor: Main thing

Katnunius: Pettiness (As in the Hebrew "katon" - small)

Kano'i: One who cares and takes up for Hashem, His Torah and His people zealously

Kedusha: Holiness

Kiddush Hashem: Sanctify [give a good impression about] G-d [and his Torah]

Klal Yisroel: The Jewish people

Kollel: A Yeshiva for married men (which provides some financial support)

Kovod HaTorah: Respect for Torah

Lakewood: see "Bais Medrash Govoha"

Levayah: Funeral

L'havdil Bein Chayim L'chayim: To mention the living and the dead separately

Lilmod - L'lameid: To learn - to teach [Torah]

Lomdei Torah: Torah students

Lomdus: Deeper understanding of Talmud

Loshon Hora: derogatory speech

Lsheim Shomayim: Acting [solely] for the sake of Hashem [and not for personal interests]

Ma'amad Har Sinai: When the Jewish Nation received the Torah from G-d at Mt. Sinai

Ma'amar: Discourse on an Aggadic Topic[s]

Maran: A title meaning our teacher

Mashgiach: Literally overseer [either of kashrus or a position to oversee and guide students in a Yeshiva]

Menagen: Someone who sings well

Michabdoh yoser m'gufo: refers to the Talmudic obligation to [love one's wife as oneself and] honor her [provide for her "self-respect" needs] more than he does himself

Midos Tovos: Good character traits

Min Hashomayim: From Heaven

Mishnas Rav Aharon: The Halocha and Aggodah works and discourses of Rav Aharon Kotler

Mizrach: East[ern wall of a synagogue]

Mussar: Introspection, self-improvement [and the study of Torah works dealing with this]

[A] Mussar haskel: A lesson that can be derived [from an occurrence etc.]

M'soras Ovos: A tradition [from one's parents - predecessors]

Nachas: Pleasure - usually pleasure because a loved one is doing well

Neshoma: Soul

Nigun: Jewish song, tune

O.H. oleho Hasholom: May he/she have peace in the after-life

Ohl Torah: The yoke of Torah study

Pilpul: The give and take of Torah study

Prishus: Abstinence from materialistic pleasures

Prishus Ad K'tzei Ho'Acharon: Abstinence to the Nth degree

P'sak Din: Torah ruling

Rabban Shel Yisroel: Teacher of Israel [a sage]

Rav: Rabbi

Rebbitzin: Wife of a Rav

Rosh Yeshiva: Head [lecturer] of a Yeshiva

Seudoh[os]: (Shabbos, Yom Tov, Wedding) meal[s]

Sefer, (Sforim): Book(s)

Shiduch: Engagement (or the suggestion or consideration of a "match")

Shliach: Emissary

Shlita: Hebrew acrostic meaning: may he live a long good life {usually used for a personage}

Shiur[im]: Talmudic lecture[s]

Sholom: Peace, harmony, good will [it is also a greeting]

Shmuess: Mussar Talk

Shteig: Grow [spiritually; in Torah knowledge etc.]

Simcha [s HaTorah]: Happiness [with Torah]

Simchas Torah: A holiday when Jews rejoice with the Torah Sofer: Scribe

Sugya: Talmudic topic

Tachlis Hachayim: Purpose of life

Talmid: Student

Talmid Chachom: Torah scholar [plural Talmidei Chachamim]

Tanach: Bible [Torah, Nviim, Ksuvim]

Tfilla: Prayer

Tochacha: Rebuke

Torah, Torah Lishmoh: [Torah Study] for its intrinsic value as the word of G-d and as a fulfillment of His will

Tshuvos: Responsae

Tzadik[im]: Righteous person(s)

[The] Vilna Gaon: Rabbi Elijah of Vilna - widely considered the greatest Torah scholar of modern times

Vort: Torah comment

Yahrtzeit: Date of death

Yam: Ocean

Yibodeil Lchayim [Tovim]: May he be separated [from the aforementioned deceased] for [a good] life

Yiddishkeit: Judaism

Yiras Shomayim [and Hachno'oh]: awareness and fear of G-d and His commands [and subservience]

Yom Hazikoron: Date of death [when memorial talks are given]

Yom(im) Tov(im): Jewish Holiday(s)

Yomim Noraim: High Holidays (Rosh Hashonoh and Yom Kippur) lit. days of awe

Z[T]L / zichrono/oh [zecher tzadik] livrocho: May his/her memory be a blessing, or when we mention a Tzadik/righteous person/ we bless him/her

Ziddling: Berating

Zocheh: To merit